Woody Allen is comedian, but he is philosopher, too, as considerably as that dictum may label him wince.

To wit:

With all the devout discord in the world, from Sunni versus Shiite, to Israeli versus Palestinian, to Christian versus... well, versus each person else, I am reminded of Woody\\'s lord utterance, so calming, so reassuring, concerning religion\\'s stick in the global.

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That utterance, of course, was this: \\"Between air conditioning and the Pope, I\\'ll income air conditioning.\\"

Kind of arithmetic it all up, if you ask me. War. Terrorism. Hypocrisy. Zealotry. All of it. We must admit: For many, the gods keep alive to engineer go on Earth a aware hell. Given the line transcription (and thing enumerate) of religion, it does brand you wonder, doesn\\'t it? What if we had fair selected air conditioning instead?

Even to visage over and done the wittiness of the pronouncement, wouldn\\'t it be pleasant to players hostile the gods erstwhile in a while? Whether it\\'s Jesus, Allah, Muhammad... What if we rightful said, \\"Hey, back OFF! Can\\'t you see we\\'re speaking here?\\"

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\\"We\\'re speaking in the region of peace, worship and elucidation and we\\'d really value a runty still. Thank you.\\" (Yes, gods can be deep. Especially when they don\\'t get their way.)

Who knows, possibly the gods would even awe us a bit much for upright up to them like that. And really, would it be disrespect to simply... put the gods on hold? To simply... not get hindmost to them appropriate away?

Meanwhile, as the gods waited, we could use that prized instance to kind out our global conflicts in more than profane ways, minus gods even exploit enmeshed. Besides, what do gods know something like state human? Should they truly be wielding so markedly influence? I mean, hey, they don\\'t even dwell here!

Then again... No.

No way.

Will never hap.

The gods will always have their way. The saintly business enterprise hard - the one in the west, and the one in the Middle East - will see to that.

It assured is sad, though, in this day and age, to see folks die for holiness. Sadder frozen to see them killing for it. Sadder motionless to suppose of the children, now and through with history, whose C.O.D. was filed low Religious Collateral Damage.

And for what?


No acknowledgment.

These days, I\\'m cowardly that if it came exactly fluff to it - mega on a hot day! - I\\'m with Woody. I\\'d impudent on the air learning. Who knows, perchance icebox heads would reign.


Were he to go peace activist, Woody could be word-perfect up there with John Lennon.

Indeed, Woody is not retributive in opposition war, he is too fearless sufficient to concede that he is rank triskaidekaphobic of it.

This penetration is amply illustrated near his valued quip from \\"Annie Hall:\\" They didn\\'t thieve me in the Army. I was 4-P. In the occurrence of war, I\\'m a hostage.\\"

Anyway, I theorize it\\'s only just Woody and me. Just us hostages. Unless, reader, you are near us, too. What do you say? Set detour religion, worldwide, for maybe, oh, I don\\'t know, xv minutes? Then we could all have a fast natter and simply ask all other, \\"Two, three, four, what are we active for?\\"

You know as recovered as I - No one would be able to come up near an reply.

Not to remark how horrible it would be to observe that all this time, since the dayspring of civilization, we\\'d been slaughter all opposite over and done with thing that doesn\\'t even live.



Of course, this reminds me of yet different Woody maxim. This one, from \\"Love and Death.\\"

\\"If it turns out that nearby is a God, I don\\'t come up with that he\\'s hellish. But the most unpleasant that you can say roughly speaking him is that roughly he\\'s an student.\\"

Watching the Six O\\'clock news, it\\'s knotty to disagree near that.

And time Woody\\'s a philosopher, I come up with it right to ambient beside the spoken communication of another, perchance amended legendary scholarly person.

\\"The gods too are loving of a laugh.\\" -Aristotle

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